Abu Dhabi - UAE
9th & 10th April 2025


SmartMoneyMatch is the network that connects the global investment community in over 200 countries and territories around the globe.Our mission is to connect the global investment community. To achieve the goal we provide a matching platform for investments. SmartMoneyMatch is a project of 4Finance Ltd., a privately held Swiss company.

4Finance was always proud to offer real value added professional and entirely independent services for its clients. We regard independence and professionality as crucial, however, in some cases, we didn’t have the full expertise on specific investments to conduct the required due diligence. Hence the idea of providing a matching platform came up.

In the time of digitalization and Fintech, we wanted to digitalize and standardize what is repeatable, e.g. investments, for making pre-selection possible, giving options to mutually share due-diligence knowledge, indicate investment interests etc.
With this idea in the concept of the platform SmartMoneyMatch began that became live in January 2015.